I attended the 1st Annual International Beer Bloggers conference the first weekend of November, then immediately headed out of town to help my father move. When I returned I was working on the final touches for my first beer/food pairing event (next post) at the Sun Rose Cafe, then Thanksgiving and now head cold.
Between the long time lag, a million posts by the other 100+ attendees and my head cold, this blog post will be short.
I enjoyed the entire conference, had a great time, met some great people and learned a lot. I took 144 photos and will post a few here.
After checking in on Friday afternoon, a few of us headed over to Avery Brewing for lunch (liquid or otherwise). The folks at Avery were super nice to us and treated us to a tour of their barrel room along with a few tasters.
The Friday afternoon conference sessions were really good - Julia Hert from the Brewers Association, Jessica Daynor from Draft Magazine and SEO expert, Dustin Woodard. I thought they all did an excellent job and provided a lot of useful tips.
Oskar Blues hosted us for dinner/beers that evening. We were also treated to a brewery tour.
Then, onto Bottle Night back at the hotel. This was a blast! Everyone brought beer from their home state or region to share. Avery Brewing donated a ton of beer! There was enough beer for hundreds of people and we only had two hours.
The 1st beer I tried at Bottle night was my favorite! Upright Brewery's Four Play (Portland,OR) presented by Taplister:
Jennie Chen (Austin, TX) also known as MisoHungry made us homemade cupcakes that were to die for. A big thanks to Jennie.
Here is a photo of Jennie (our chef) and Eli Shayotovich from BeerTapTV
BeerTapTV setup live tweets from BBC10 during Bottle Night. These were in real time and super fun(ny).
Another beer I really enjoyed - presented by the Beer Babe(If I remember correctly):
One of the Saturday morning presentations (Room 214):
Erik and his crew from the Bull & Bush Pub invite us up to their suite for a beer and pizza party. We were offered Abo's Pizza, tons of beer, pretzels with homemade beer mustard and homemade beer ice cream.
Greg Koch, CEO of Stone Brewing, was our afternoon speaker. He brought us bottles of not-yet released Lukcy Basartd Ale for all us try.
Next up was Live Beer blogging - see earlier post.
Then on to dinner and a brewery tour at Boulder Beer Company.
Last photo of the night: Eric Steen from Beer and SciFi and Focus on the Beer enjoying (?) a Coors Light:
After dinner was the 'Mall Crawl' - 5 bars/breweries had agreed to give us all free beer as we 'crawled' along Pearl Street. I only made it out for a short time to the first pub, West End Tavern.
Sunday was another good day of presentations.
That's all I can write today. I highly recommend attending this great conference next year in Portland, OR and/or London, UK.
Nice posts on #BBC10!