Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beer Bloggers Beer Drinkin' Roundup

As I mentioned in my previous post, I attended the Beer Bloggers Conference in early November along with about 115 other beer bloggers. Everyone was asked to bring a few bottles from their home state/region to share.

These folks are serious about their beer and man did we have a lot of beer to share. Unfortunately, we only had 2 hours.

Below is the list of 17 beers I managed to sample during the 2 hours of Bottle Night:

Upright Brewery - Four Play

This was definitely one of my favorites of the evening. This is a pinot-barrel aged sour ale with cherries. Delicious!

3Floyds - SheWolf IPA

Schlafly - Biere de Garde

Chatoe Rogue - Creek Ale (brewed with cherries)

Deschutes - The Abyss

Rising Tide - Ishmael Altbier - this was another good one.

Duck Rabbit - Milk Stout

Peach Tree Brewing - Hop Wrangler

New Glarus Unplugged - Old English Porter - this was a sour porter and another one of my favorites.

Troegs Pale Ale

Chimay Grande Reserve 1999

Kona Pipeline Porter w/ 100% kona coffee

Berkshire - Dean's Beans Coffeehouse Porter

Saint Somewhere - Pays du Soleil

New Glarus - Spotted Cow

Sun King Brewing - Osiris

Maine Beer Company - Peeper Ale


  1. Glad you got to sample the Saint Somewhere that I brought along! I actually helped bottle that batch with other volunteers in July. Sorry there wasn't a real label on it, but they ran out on bottling day.


  2. Hey Jennifer, Nice to see you tried the Rogue Chatoe Creek. It was nice to meet you in Boulder and I hope we cross paths over a pint soon. Happy Brew Year!
    Cheers, Sebbie #ChocolateStout /
